US Company Rolls Out 'Stranger Things'-Themed Sex Toy of a... Demogorgon

The fans of Netflix's horror hit certainly felt their heads going upside down after seeing just where marketing can take them.
A Demogorgon-styled sex toy rolled out by US company Fleshlight is definitely something that 'Stranger Things' fans wish they could un-see.
Following their brave takes on Halloween-themed sex toys and devices shaped like Shrek's ear, the company's creativity has targeted one of Netflix's undisputed hits this time.
In what appears to be a sex toy styled as the Demogorgon's jaws, Fleshlight "welcomed" its Twitter followers "to the upside-down".
Naturally, people were left haunted by the mere image of the male sex toy, let alone its possible functionality.
Some risky people seem to be lowkey interested. However, it does not seem like the product has been put on sale so far, nor it is clear whether it will be. Perhaps Fleshlight just wanted some viral marketing for its toys.
If viral marketing is the case, now is the perfect time, with season 4 of 'Stranger Things' premiering on small screens on 27 May. In it, the Demogorgon creature is one of the monsters featured in the show, usually portrayed as a vile beast with its head replaced by large flower-like jaws with sharp teeth.