'Alien Enemies' and Nuclear Strike: What is the White House's Plan for Doomsday?

The US government has prepared contingency plans for all sorts of trouble (probably with the exception of a zombie apocalypse). It took into account a range of catastrophic events that could annihilate nations and even the greater part of the world's population.
The US government is not planning to go down in flames if a large asteroid hits the planet or nuclear war breaks out, instead drafting a set of specific instructions for each apocalyptic scenario, it has been revealed.
These instructions, dubbed the Presidential Emergency Action Documents (PEADs), date back to at least 1956 and have long remained a secret. However, the Brennan Center for Justice has recently managed to unseal around 500 out of the 6,000 pages via the Freedom of Information Act.
In a 2016 House Committee Appropriations Hearing, the PEADs were described as "Pre-coordinated legal documents designed to implement a Presidential decision or transmit a Presidential request when an emergency disrupts normal governmental or legislative processes".
In other words, the president - or whoever is in charge - will issue a pre-determined set of proclamations, executive orders or messages to Congress if certain apocalyptic events disrupt normal government functioning. These actions are aimed at maintaining a grip on the country even as everything else potentially falls apart.
The specific instructions vary from decade to decade, with practically every US president partially rewriting the PEADs. It's unclear if Joe Biden has found the time to implement any changes so far.
The White House’s response to a nuclear strike was among the most thoroughly elaborated scenarios in pre 9/11 PEADs, according to the declassified documents. This included the declaration of an "unlimited national emergency and a state of civil defense emergency", as well as indefinitely extending of military service and recalling retired servicemen.
The response scenarios were mostly cross-referenced with pre-existing government documents, and not all were made available. One contingency was only described as a "proclamation for the control of alien enemies". It was not clear from the 500 pages and other US government records when this scenario should be triggered or what actions lines are to follow.
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Since the presidency of George W. Bush and following the 9/11 attacks, the documents have undergone significant changes, with nuclear war being replaced as the top concern by other scenarios. It was then that the PEADs began allowing the government to close any "facility or station for wire communication" and gut its "apparatus and equipment".
Little information was declassified concerning any changes made by Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump to the PEADs.
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