Iran Slams Israel Over Damascus Airport Strike as Satellite Snaps Purportedly Show Extent of Damage

Syrian media reported that an act of “aerial aggression” was carried out by Israel Friday morning targeting Damascus International Airport, forcing the airport to suspend all flights. The Israeli government and military did not comment on the allegations, but have previously admitted to bombing Syria “hundreds” of times in recent years.
Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian has condemned Israel over its act of aerial aggression, promising Syrian counterpart Faisal al-Mekdad that Iran has always “stood by” Syria and would continue to do so.

“The continuation of the Israeli aggressor regime’s attacks on Syria’s infrastructure, including its airports, ports and other vital centers, is not only a clear violation of Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, but also against all international law, norms and humanitarian principles”, Iran’s Foreign Ministry indicated in a press statement summarising Amir-Abdollahian’s message to al-Mekdad.

The Iranian foreign minister was also said to have slammed as “deplorable and shameful” the “silence” of some members of the international community, as well as regional and world bodies regarding the incident.

Foreign Minister al-Mekdad was said to have expressed appreciation of Iran’s support, saying that the strike on the airport showed Israel’s “fear and weakness” in the face of an “unstable and fragile” internal situation, and vowed to continue “resistance against the occupation and aggression of the Zionist regime”. Al-Mekdad also accused Tel Aviv of attacking his country to try to strengthen “the remnants of terrorist groups, including ISIS* and Nusra Front**, in Syria”.

Syria’s Ministry of Transport announced early Saturday that all flights into and out of Damascus International Airport remained halted until further notice following the Israeli attack, which caused “heavy damage” to the airport’s runways and navigation lighting, and hit a terminal building.
Damascus Airport Runways Out of Service After Israeli Strikes, Syrian Transport Ministry Says
ImageSat International, a Tel Aviv-based private remote sensing company, released satellite snaps late Friday purporting to show damage to the airport, including what appears to be the cratering of both of its runways.
Russia joined Iran in condemning Friday's strike, with Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova calling it a “violation of the basic norms of international law” and demanding that Israel immediately “stop this vicious practice”.
The Israeli military turned down a Sputnik request for commentary, and typically does not comment on individual attacks against Syria.
Friday’s strike, which injured one person, was the second time since 20 May that Damascus Airport has been targeted, with a May strike killing three, according to Syrian media.
Israel is suspected of having carried out hundreds of airstrikes against its neighbour over the past decade, with officials and media occasionally justifying the aggression by pointing to the presence of alleged “Iranian” or “Iranian-backed” forces operating in the country. Damascus has dismissed the Israeli side’s explanations, saying it was within its rights under international law to station whatever troops it wants to on its own territory, particularly when they provide assistance in battling extremist militias.
* Also known as Daesh, an international Islamist extremist and terrorist group outlawed in many countries.
** Also known as al-Qaeda in Syria. Rebranded in 2016 as the Front for the Conquest of the Levant to try to cover up its association with al-Qaeda.