Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine

Russian Reporters Release Footage of American Mercenaries Captured Near Kharkov

Earlier this month, three foreign mercenaries, who had fought for Ukraine and had been captured by the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), were sentenced to death for their actions. The trio plans to appeal the decision and get it replaced by a life sentence. Nobody has been executed in the DPR's history to date.
Russian media has released several videos of two US mercenaries, who were presumably captured by Russian troops near Kharkov, where they had been fighting alongside the Ukraine Army.
The first video, released by the RT, features Alexander Drueke from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, who says he is alive and hopes to get back home as soon as he can. In the second video, Drueke also says that he is "against war".
The second mercenary, Andy Huynh from Hartselle, Alabama, also stated on camera that he was "against war".
This is the first time the two US mercenaries have been seen on video since reports emerged that they were taken captive by Russian forces in Ukraine.
Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
Three Foreign Mercenaries Who Fought for Ukraine Condemned to Death by DPR's Supreme Court
Earlier, a Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) court sentenced three foreign nationals - two from the UK and one from Morocco - to death on charges of trying to seize power by force and for serving as mercenaries in the Ukrainian Army. The trio is planning to appeal the decision and hopes to replace the punishment with life sentences. They may also plead for a pardon from the DPR leader.
Despite issuing several death sentences in its history, the DPR has not executed a single one so far. The only execution method legally available is by firing squad.