British Woman Claims She Has Repeatedly Been 'Abducted by Aliens' in Her Sleep

According to the lady, she has been having close encounters with extraterrestials as long as she can remember.
Maria Leiva, a 51-year-old woman from Ramsgate, Kent, UK, claims that she has been abducted by aliens multiple times while she was asleep.
In an interview with The Mirror, Leiva shared her experience in every detail. She said she has been able to "see things in the sky" and "see beings as well" since the age of four.
"I remember being sad at night and going out onto the terrace at my family home in Columbia and crying out to the stars...I would ask them why they left me here, and I would tell them I wanted to go back home," she said.
According to Leiva, sometimes she is woken up by "telepathic communications" early in the morning when she is being "told" to go to the window, where she would often try to take photos or videos of "what is out there".
"In the past two weeks, I have seen two flying objects in the sky up to three times in one night," the woman said.
She added that she often finds bruises and puncture marks on her body after the alleged visits of extraterrestials.
"I would wake up with marks on my body, bruises, finger marks, punctures in my skin and cuts as well, and this is how I'd know something had happened in the night," Leiva said.
According to the woman, she has even woken up in random places without knowing how she had ever got there. Leiva said that her daughter too has had encountered aliens.
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The woman's personal experience and alleged encounters with UFOs have had a serious impact on her life, making her a frequent participant at meetings and conferences organised by UFO communities all over the world.
"I enjoy going to conferences around the world for E.T and flying saucers, I speak to people who have experienced the same things as me such as seeing UFO's and aliens," Leiva said.