Texas Republican Party Resolution to Secede From US Not Legal, 'Pure Fantasy', Experts Say

EL PASO (Sputnik) - The Texas Republican Party's recently-adopted resolution rejecting President Joe Biden's win in the 2020 presidential election and calling for the state's secession from the United States is not legal or practical, experts told Sputnik.
This week, the Texas Republican Party passed a resolution that declares Biden did not legitimately win the 2020 presidential election and calls for a measure recognizing the state's right to secede from the United States.
"The call for secession has been common, however, its promotion comes from a small and relatively isolated part of the Texas GOP [Republican Party]," Professor Joshua Blank, the research director of the Texas Politics Project at the University of Texas at Austin, told Sputnik. "It's neither legal nor practical, and is unlikely to gain any traction among the elected representatives who would have to push secession forward."
Blank also pointed out that as much as Texas Republicans may think of themselves as Texans, they also consider themselves very patriotic, which includes being part of the United States.
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University of Texas at Austin Professor and political analyst Bruce Buchanan told Sputnik it would likely go nowhere.
"I think it is pure fantasy, top to bottom," Buchanan said. "I’d be surprised if Republicans elsewhere saw it as a political winner."
The Texas Republican Party said the secession measure was necessary because the federal government has impaired the right of local self-government.