Johnny Depp Reportedly Takes Dig at Ex-Wife Amber Heard in Upcoming Album With Jeff Beck

With the bombshell trial between Depp and Heard coming to an end in early June, the repercussions of the family drama are still finding their way into the headlines - or rather song lyrics.
Johnny Depp has reportedly decided to share his pain from the exhausting six-week defamation trial with his ex-wife Amber Heard via music, singing about his victory in one of the tracks on his upcoming album in collaboration with British guitarist Jeff Beck.
“I think you’ve said enough for one motherf—ing night,” Depp sings on one of the tracks of the album '18', according to the Sunday Times of London.
The outlet also revealed part of the lyrics for the song titled 'Sad Motherf—in’ Parade' after having had a chance to listen to the full album early. The long-play is set to be released on July 15.
"You’re sitting there like a dog with a seven-year itch," Depp reportedly sings on the second song. "If I had a dime, it wouldn’t reach your hand."
Depp wrote two songs for the upcoming album, with the rest of the tracklist consisting largely of covers, including 'Caroline, No' by the Beach Boys’ Brian Wilson, and Lou Reed’s 'Venus and Furs' by the Velvet Underground.
The Hollywood actor has rarely spoken about the bombshell trial, only issuing a statement celebrating his victory in court and thanking fans for their support. Aside from that, Depp seems to have found healing in music, with his band 'Hollywood Vampires' set to go on tour next summer.
The actor has been playing music since he was 12, even dropping out of school to become a musician. His life, however, took a slightly different turn, but he has never abandoned music.
Now, he seems to be even keener on playing music after his acting career was negatively impacted by the defamation drama between him and his ex-wife, with Heard locking horns with Depp over a 2018 Washington Post op-ed in which she portrayed herself as a victim of domestic abuse. Albeit not directly naming Depp, Heard effectively "ruined his career", his legal team argued.
The court ruled that Heard's op-ed references to "sexual violence" and "domestic abuse" were false.