Biden's Approval Ratings Slip Further in Q2, Now Underwater in 44 States

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – US President Joe Biden’s net approval ratings fell further in the second quarter of 2022, with voters in 44 states more likely to hold an unfavorable rather than positive view of his performance, according to a Morning Consult poll released Monday.
This represents an increase of four states from Biden’s first quarter report, as well as an overall worse position than Donald Trump’s in the 2018 mid-term cycle when the former president’s net approval ratings fell below 50% in 27 states.
The poll found that Biden’s net approval ratings fell below 50% from the last quarter for the first time in his presidency in the states of Washington, Rhode Island, and Delaware. They also fell in Illinois. They remained unchanged in 23 states, with mostly modest declines in most other states.
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The poll, which was based on responses collected from April 1 to June 30 in 50 states, attributed Biden’s poorer ratings to attrition among moderate and conservative Democrats, along with increased disapproval from independents and Republicans. Additional nationwide survey data gathered from June 28 to 30 found that his approval rating among Democrats was 77%, with only 38% "strongly approving" of his performance.