"A date for the hearing has been provisionally set for 11 – 12 October 2022," the Supreme Court's statement read, adding that further details on the panel will be announced in late September.
At the end of June, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon proposed that a new vote on Scotland's independence should be held on October 19, 2023. In her address to the Scottish Parliament, Sturgeon stated that the government hopes that the referendum bill, passed on by the Lord Advocate to the UK Supreme Court, will be deemed to be within the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament, as the vote is consultative and not self-executing.
The outgoing UK prime minister, Boris Johnson, repeatedly said that he would not allow the second referendum since the Scottish people already had decided to stay within the United Kingdom in a 55%-to-45% vote in 2014. Scotland requires the approval of the British authorities before the referendum could be held.