Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine

Hungary's Orban Warns Peace in Ukraine Impossible Without US-Russia Talks - Video

As the US, EU and their western allies drummed up packages of sanctions against Moscow over its special military operation in Ukraine, Hungary’s PM Victor Orban had warned that such punitive measures and weapons deliveries to Kiev were ineffective, saying that “you do not usually put out fires with flamethrowers."
Prime Minister Viktor Orban has slammed the globalist leaders current strategy on the Ukraine crisis as only serving to escalate the conflagration, decreasing the chance of peace, as he addressed the crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Texas on Thursday.
“Without American-Russian talks there will never be peace in Ukraine. More and more people will die and suffer, and our economies will come to the brink of collapse,” said Orban. “Only strong leaders are able to make peace… We need a strong America with a strong leader,” he added.
Orban’s remarks echoed his previous statements regarding the sanctions policies unleashed by the US, the EU and their allies against Moscow over its special military operation in Ukraine.
"If Brussels does not alter its strategy, we should expect a military economy across Europe in October... Sanctions and weapons deliveries are ineffective. You do not usually put out fires with flamethrowers," Orban had told the Kossuth radio in late July.
Europe Will See War Economy by October If Brussels Doesn't Change Policies, Orban Warns

‘Clash of Civilizations’

During his speech in Dallas, Orban urged to follow Hungary’s lead and fight for what he called the future of Western civilization.
“We must address migration, gender and the clash of civilizations. If you separate Western Civilisation from its Judeo-Christian heritage, the worst things in history happen,” Orban stated.
The Hungarian PM touted himself as an “old-fashioned freedom fighter” and the leader of “a country under the siege of progressive liberals.”
"Progressive liberals didn't want me to be here because they knew what I would tell you, because I am here to tell you that we should unite our forces," Orban said.
“We Hungarians know how to defeat the enemies of freedom on the political battlefield… The world looks to you for the future… The future of the West is in grave doubt,” warned Orban.
On the issue of migration, Viktor Orban insisted that Hungary’s policies aligned with the goals of the American conservative movement.
“We were the first country in Europe to stop illegal migration,” Orban said.
Victor Orban also broached such issues as same-sex marriage and transgender rights, declaring marriage to be only between one man and one woman.
"To sum up: the mother is a woman, the father is a man, and leave our kids alone. Full stop, end of discussion," Orban said, to loud applause from those gathered.
"Less drag queens and more Chuck Norris," he said.
The Hungarian PM and his government, known to champion conservative family values, have repeatedly claimed they are motivated by a desire to safeguard what they perceive as Hungary's traditional Christian values against “excesses” of Western liberalism.
During his speech in Dallas Orban also denounced those who consider him a racist or anti-Semite, branding them "simply idiots".
“A Christian politician cannot be racist," Orban said, in an apparent reference to his cabinet adviser resigning in late July over comments he made regarding Hungarians not wanting “to become peoples of mixed race". Zsuzsa Hegedus described the speech as a "pure Nazi text", according to Hungarian media.
Hungary’s Orban Says Anti-Immigration Views Based on Culture Amid Scandal Over ‘Mixed-Race’ Remarks
Addressing the CPAC crowd in Dallas, Orban excoriated the media and non-governmental organisations, saying:
“They hate me and slander me as they hate you and slander you.”
Orban ripped former US President Barack Obama and Democratic donor George Soros, warning that it was time to “take back the institutions in Washington and in Brussels.”
"We must co-ordinate the movement of our troops, because we face the same challenge. You have two years to get ready," he added, as he set the stage for Saturday keynote speaker, former President Donald Trump.
Previously, the former president said he would wait until after the November midterm elections before making an official decision on whether to run for reelection in 2024.
Viktor Orban previously addressed a keynote speech during an extraordinary session of the Conservative Political Action Conference at the Balna cultural centre of Budapest, Hungary on May 19, 2022.
Trump, who has repeatedly praised the Hungarian leader, in a recorded speech at the conference in Budapest called Orban “a great leader, a great gentleman”.