
Kremlin Says Russia Received No US’ Proposals on New START Treaty, But Dialogue Necessary

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Moscow has not received any proposals from the United States on negotiations on the extension of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START), but such a dialogue is necessary, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Tuesday.
"We have not yet received any specific proposals on this matter. But we repeat once again that dialogue is necessary in this area," Peskov told reporters.
Earlier, US President Joe Biden said that his administration is ready to promptly negotiate a new arms control framework to replace the New START treaty with Russia when it expires in 2026.
Russia earlier announced that it has officially notified the United States that it is suspending inspection activities under the New START treaty. Moscow raised the issue with Washington that anti-Russian sanctions, including closure of airspace for Russian planes, breached parity in inspections under New START, but received no answer, the foreign ministry said.
The ministry noted, however, that the suspension of inspections of Russian facilities is only a temporary measure.