
Angola May Join Russia's Mir Payment System - Ambassador

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Angola may join Russia's Mir payment system and allow the use of these cards in the country as well as switch for mutual settlements in national currencies, Angolan Ambassador to Russia Augusto da Silva Cunha told Sputnik.
Today, the Mir cards can be used in Turkey, Vietnam, Armenia, South Korea, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, South Ossetia and Abkhazia.
"Technically, the use of the Mir system in Angola is possible ... I believe that Angola can join this system, but subject to expediency. This will greatly depend on the level of our financial and economic relations and the level of investment in the country ... The Angolan government is completely open to Russian investors, and if their share is significant, then, of course, it would be expedient and logical to join this system and accept it," the ambassador said.
He added that the Russian ruble could be used for mutual settlements between the countries, but it will be difficult to use the Angolan kwanza for this purpose.