“Reagan, despite the CIA’s opposition and that of the US military/security complex, carried out his plan not in order to win the Cold War, but, as Reagan repeatedly stressed to all of us involved, to end the Cold War,” Roberts added. “None of us, Reagan included, had any idea of Soviet collapse. Our purpose was to halt a gratuitous conflict that threatened humanity with nuclear Armageddon.”
“In view of the Democrat Clinton regime’s overthrowing the Reagan-Gorbachev ending of the Cold War with a New Cold War, now greatly expanded under the Democrat Biden, the Kremlin’s toleration of the West’s declared aggressive intentions against Russia is puzzling,” he added. “How can anyone in the Kremlin ever again believe a word that Washington says? In Russia, Gorbachev is not seen as the great leader that he was. In America, ignorant flag-waving patriots mistakenly base their pride on Reagan winning the Cold War.