Russia Has No Illusions About Relations With London After Truss Comes to Power

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - There are no prerequisites for positive relations with London, Moscow has no illusions in connection with the election of Liz Truss to the post of UK Prime Minister, Sergei Belyaev, the director of the Russian Foreign Ministry's second European department, told Sputnik, commenting on the election results.

"We see no prerequisites for positive changes in bilateral relations in connection with the figure of the new UK Prime Minister. We have no illusions on this score," the diplomat said.

He noted that both Truss and former Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak during the election campaign "repeatedly emphasized that they intend to continue the destructive course of Boris Johnson in relations with Russia."

"At the same time, it is important to understand that the outgoing prime minister also took over from his predecessors in destroying the foundations of Russian-British cooperation," the diplomat said.

He added that Moscow "never initiated a cold snap in dialogue with the UK."

"Moreover, every time after another provocation by the British, accompanied by unfounded accusations and unilateral sanctions, we called on the British side to reason and refrain from actions that harm ties between our countries and peoples," Belyaev emphasized.

Liz Truss was declared the next British PM earlier on Monday, as she won the Conservative party leadership race, besting ex-chancellor Rishi Sunak.
She is known to have an extremely hawkish stance on Russia: Truss repeatedly called for more military assistance and to Ukraine to double down on anti-Russia sanctions. The politician also pledged to declassify more intelligence files on Moscow when she becomes PM.