
Lavrov: Ukraine Creates Risks That Weapons of Mass Destruction Will Be Used

Previously, Ukrainian President Zelensky called on NATO to carry out "preventive nuclear strikes" against Russia in order to "deter" Moscow from using nukes.
Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov stated on Friday that the Kiev regime creates risks linked to the possible use of WMDs.

"Certainly, we cannot stay silent when it comes to the recent discussions on the possible use of nuclear weapons, and especially in this regard, we cannot draw a veil over the reckless actions of the Kiev regime, which are aimed at creating risks of the use of various types of weapons of mass destruction", the minister said.

The diplomat stressed that the Ukrainian president openly urged for using nuclear weapons against Russia.

"Yesterday, Zelensky called on his western masters to launch a preemptive nuclear strike on Russia. Thus, this figure, in fact, presented to the whole world more evidence of the threats that come from the Kiev regime, and to neutralize them a special military operation was launched," he said.

He also noted that Zelensky had mentioned Kiev's intention to gain nuclear power status back in January - meaning that he has been thinking about it for a long time.

"As you know, a council of the so-called European Community was convened yesterday, it was an initiative of [French] President [Emmanuel] Macron, following which the head of EU diplomacy [Josep] Borrell announced, proudly announced that the process of forming a security structure without the participation of Russia is beginning. In general, they simply dance to the tune of Kiev and encourage the crazy fantasies of those who are still in power there," Lavrov said.

The minister also warned the US against recklessly providing support to Ukraine, noting that Brussels and Washington continue to gorge Kiev with weapons.

"We warn the United States and other sponsors of the Kiev regime against becoming more and more deeply involved in the situation as sides of the conflict," he said.

Ukrainian soldiers move a U.S.-supplied M777 howitzer into position
Russia launched a military operation in Ukraine in February after Kiev intensified its attacks against the people's republics of Donbass, prompting the mass evacuation of civilians. Moscow stressed that the goals of the op are the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, as well as the liberation of Donbass, which has suffered through an eight-year-long war waged by the Kiev regime.
The US, Britain, and the European Union backed Ukraine with weapons deliveries and imposed multiple rounds of sanctions against Moscow.