Fuel Tank Catches Fire on Crimean Bridge - Video

On Saturday, traffic and railway service have been suspended on the Crimean Bridge, after a fuel tank caught fire.
On one of the sections of the Crimean Bridge, a fuel tank caught fire in the tail of a freight train. The locomotive with part of the wagons was moved to the Kerch station, Crimea railway authorities said.
"Preliminary information: a fuel tank is on fire on one of the sections [of the bridge]. The navigation arches were not damaged. It is too early to talk about the causes and consequences. Firefighting work is in progress," an aide to the region's head, Oleg Kryuchkov, said on Telegram on Saturday morning.
Later in the day, Russia's National Antiterrorism Committee (NAC) said that a truck was blown up on the Crimean Bridge, which caused seven fuel tanks of a freight train to catch fire and a partial collapse of two car spans.
Emergency work is underway, the Crimean Railway reported. Shipping in the Kerch Strait was not suspended, according to the press service of Rosmorrechflot.