"Until we have a common scientific space, until we build our common noosphere, where we can consider issues rationally and openly, unfortunately, any discussion will be politicized in one way or another".
“We need to encourage interdisciplinary thinking, we need academic freedom and integrity, and we need curiosity in the scientific field. It is important to promote international scientific cooperation because it allows scientists to join forces, which ultimately leads to discoveries and technological breakthroughs.”
“We should develop and strengthen joint research activities, as well as consider long-term student exchanges. Such in-depth cooperation in the field of education is extremely important for us.”
“The role of science journalism is now more important than ever, its task is to accurately and carefully inform the general public of our countries about what achievements are there, areas in which our countries are making progress, and to create a permanent information field that can be addressed and on which to rely.”
“Each research program that is funded by a university, a private company, or a private foundation should always contain another component, a research publicity component. And this should be a conscious effort on the part of organizations to open themselves up to the public, to inform it. Besides, by doing so we generate more interest in science among young people. The focus should be on the younger generation.”