Nord Stream Sabotage

Ship Chartered by Nord Stream AG Arrived at Site of Nord Stream Incident in Swedish Waters

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - A specially equipped vessel chartered by Nord Stream AG, the operator of the Nord Stream gas pipeline, has arrived at the alleged site of damage to the pipeline, after calibration it will be ready to start the survey within 24 hours, the operator said.
"A specially equipped vessel chartered by Nord Stream AG arrived at the alleged location of the pipeline damage in the exclusive economic zone of Sweden. After carrying out the calibration works, the specialists will be ready within 24 hours to start the survey of the damaged area that would take 3-5 days according to current estimates," the statement says.
The company said it still awaited the decision of the Danish authorities on necessary permits for damage assessment.
Nord Stream Sabotage
Danish Police Say Damage at Nord Stream Gas Pipelines Caused by Powerful Explosions
On September 26, a rapid gas pressure drop and fuel leakage were detected along both the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 pipelines. Initial investigations by Swedish and Danish authorities pointed toward likely sabotage, leading the Russian Prosecutor General’s Office to investigate the incident as an act of international terrorism.