Pakistani actor Sehar Shinwari on Thursday claimed in a tweet that she would marry a Zimbabwean guy if their cricket team beats India in the ongoing T20 World Cup in the upcoming match.
The two teams are set to face each other at the World T20 Championship on Sunday, November 6.
Pakistani Actor Sehar Shinwari Says She Will Marry Zimbabwean Guy if Their Team Beats Team India
© Photo : Twitter/@SeharShinwari
Her latest post has gained traction, with Twitter users trolling her, reposting her previous predictions and highlighting how they were wrong.
"Then I feel sorry for you how will you live your whole life alone," tweeted one user. "You were supposed to delete ur twitter account if India beats Bangladesh," said another.
Shinwari was posting regular tweets and wishing that India lose their match against Bangladesh, which was held on Wednesday.