
Ex-US Congressman Ron Paul: Republicans Must Vow to Stop ‘Money Spigot’ to Ukraine

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Former US congressman Ron Paul said in an op-ed that the Republican Party must promise to end the unrestricted flow of funding to Ukraine if its candidates win congressional majorities in the midterm elections.
"First, Republican Party leadership must vow to end the massive money spigot opened by the last Congress for Ukraine," Paul said in the opinion piece published by the EurasiaReview on Monday. "This would be a move strongly supported by the Republican base."
Paul characterized the conflict in Ukraine as a proxy war between Russia and the US-led NATO alliance. Ending the conflict would reduce the "dangerously high" possibility of global nuclear war, Paul said.
Paul, a former Republican who also ran for president on the Libertarian Party ticket, is known for his non-interventionist foreign policy positions, including advocating for the withdrawal of the United States from NATO and opposing the 2003 invasion of Iraq, among other US-instigated wars and military interventions.
Paul also encouraged Republicans to signal their willingness to defund the Department of Homeland Security, whose authorities Paul contends are often unconstitutional.
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Moreover, Paul said that a Republican-controlled Congress should pass legislation ordering an audit of the Federal Reserve.
The midterm elections in the United States are taking place on Tuesday to determine control of the US House of Representatives and Senate. Republicans are favored to win majorities in both chambers of Congress.
House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy, slated to become House Speaker with a Republican majority, has said the chamber will not continue writing a "blank check" to Ukraine. However, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell has vowed to continue the timely provision of equipment for Ukraine by the United States and its allies.