Elon Musk on Tuesday confirmed that he will pay the required amount to have a blue tick on his verified Twitter account. The business tycoon's revelation came during a social media exchange with writer Heidi Briones who asked, "Are you going to pay the $8, Elon?" to which he replied 100%.
Elated by the Tesla and SpaceX founder's response, Briones posted a picture of her conversation with the 51-year-old multi-billionaire. She captioned her screenshot, "BRB, framing this."
Earlier, Musk shared a photo of a t-shirt on the microblogging website that had, "Your feedback is appreciated, now pay $8," written over it.
It seemed to be a jibe at New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who had slammed Musk for levying a monthly fee for Twitter's blue check verification mark.
The Twitter feud between Musk and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, aka AOC, came to the fore last week after the world's richest man announced his plan for subscribers on the widely popular platform.
"Lmao at a billionaire earnestly trying to sell people on the idea that 'free speech' is actually a USD 8/mo subscription plan," she tweeted at the time.
In response, Musk mocked AOC, saying "Your feedback is appreciated; now pay $8."