During the November survey, Russians spoke in favor of festive decoration of cities, provided that the authorities not purchase new illumination and decorations (70%). According to 14%, it is not necessary to abandon festive decorations, even if funds are needed to purchase new illumination. One in eight (12%) spoke out for the complete rejection of decorating cities and towns.
A majority of Russians also supported the festive decoration of shops, shopping centers, and fairs (85%). However, there was a little more controversy over this issue — more than a third of respondents were in favor of making the designs more modest (37%).
As for specific types of festive celebrations, children's holidays and New Year's trees received the greatest support — an absolute majority of Russians believe that they should be preserved (96%). 89% of Russians supported the installation of festive fir trees on the streets and squares of cities and towns, while one in three believed that they should be made more modest (34%).
Fireworks received the least support — 44%; according to one in two, in the current conditions they should be abandoned altogether (54%).