Gilt-Laced Chat With the Gods? Mummies With Golden Tongues Dug Up in Egypt

A year earlier, an international archaeological outfit researching the site of the temple of Taposiris Magna, west of Alexandria, came across mummies dating back 2,000 years, with some of them containing similarly intriguing amulets.
A veritable treasure trove of mummies with golden tongues have been discovered during excavation work in the Quesna necropolis in Egypt's Monufia governorate.
The archaeological mission of the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) - the main body of the Ministry of Antiquities of Egypt - had been digging in near the necropolis for the past few months, and on this occasion moved their attention to a new part of the ancient cemetery.
As they unearthed a number of tombs and architectural ensembles, the team found several mummies that were certainly not in the most pristine condition but contained golden flakes in the form of human tongues in their mouths, according to Mostafa Waziri, Secretary-General of the SCA.
Researchers believe that real tongues were removed during the embalming process and replaced with the gold amulet to enable the deceased to speak with Osiris, the “lord of the underworld”, in the afterlife. Osiris was one of the main deities in ancient Egypt, and references to him date back to the funerary texts of the so-called 'Age of the Pyramid Builders' between 2700 and 2200 BC, when it is believed that the practice of mummification first started.
Twitter screenshot showing mummies with golden tongues discovered in Quesna, Egypt
Among the other discoveries made by the SCA's archaeological mission were several human-shaped stone coffins, a vast granite sarcophagus belonging to a high-ranking priest, a cemetery for the burial of sacred birds, clay pots, golden sheets shaped like scarabs and lotus flowers, as well as funerary amulets dating to the late ancient Egyptian, Ptolemaic, and Roman periods.
Twitter screenshot featuring image of mummy with golden tongue found at Taposiris Magna released by Egypt's Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities in 2021.
What makes the new finds particularly riveting for egyptologists is that they offer a glimpse into how the architectural styles of tombs, as well as burying methods changed and evolved over time.
The latest discovery of mummies with golden tongues is not a first - a similar find was made in early 2021, during excavations at the temple of Taposiris Magna, on the south-western outskirts of Alexandria.