
US Statements at Summit With Africa Show Inability to Engage in Equal Dialogue: Moscow

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The United States, making anti-Russian and anti-Chinese statements during the US-Africa summit, shows an inability to have equal dialogue and fair competition, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.
"Once again, Washington demonstrates its inability to equal dialogue and fair competition, and its assurances of the freedom of choice of African countries testify to double standards," she said in a statement.
"A striking example of this is 'he so-called Countering Malign Russian Activities in Africa Act,' which provides for collective punishment for any cooperation with Russia," Zakharova noted.
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"Such a restriction of basic political and economic freedoms speaks of unfair competition and a crude imposition of the Western agenda on other countries," she said.

"Russia is in solidarity with African friends who, despite the colossal pressure from the West, including the threat of ending financial support, take an independent position, primarily in the context of the situation around Ukraine," the spokeswoman emphasized.

Moscow stands for the right of states to choose their political and economic partners, to follow their own values and civilization path of development without fear of being punished, she added.
"Russia offers honest, mutually beneficial and equal cooperation without punitive measures and unilateral sanctions, interference in internal affairs," Zakharova said.