The Backstory

US Government Agencies Are in Charge of Censorship

On today’s episode of The Backstory, host Lee Stranahan discussed current events including a reported 49 Americans dying from weather related conditions, and China easing COVID-19 restrictions.
FilmLadd - Filmmaker | Hitler Didn't Invite the Microphone, Right Wing Grifters, and Kanye West's Mental Health

Tyler Nixon - Attorney, Media Relations Specialist | The Twitter Coup, The FBI Office of General Counsel, and Conspiracy Theories Coming True

In the first hour, Lee and Jason Goodman spoke with filmmaker FilmLadd about the lie of Hitler being the microphone inventor, anti-Semitic myths, and right-wing grifters. FilmLadd discussed his video on Kanye West's Hitler claims and his encounters with Ali Alexander. FilmLadd commented on the way conservatives embraced Kanye West and how the right wing has used its supporters for financial gain.

In the second hour, Lee and Jason Goodman spoke with Tyler Nixon about Roger Stone, intelligence agencies hired by big tech, and US-funded Biolabs in Ukraine. Tyler commented on the Twitter files expose' and how the FBI has become ungovernable by the US Congress. Tyler talked about the FBI office of the general counsel and how the FBI has become involved with social media companies. Tyler commented on the TWA 800 flight and the intelligence oversight committee in Congress.
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