
Moscow Expects Unfriendly States' Companies to Sell Stakes in Russian Assets at Half-Price

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russia's Finance Ministry on Friday published a list of conditions for the withdrawal of companies from unfriendly countries from Russia, obliging them to sell their stock at a discount of 50% of their market value.
The ministry's commission for monitoring foreign investment in Russia has defined the conditions, compliance with which will generally be taken into account when granting permission to companies from unfriendly countries to withdraw from Russian assets.
The first condition is "availability of independent assessment of market value of assets."
Second, the sale of assets should be carried out "with a discount of no less than 50% of the market value of the corresponding assets."
Third, it is necessary to "establish key performance indicators for new shareholders."
The fourth condition is "availability of installment payment for 1-2 years and (or) obligation to voluntarily transfer of funds to the federal budget in amount of not less than 10% of the amount of the transaction," the ministry's document read.
In addition, the amount of profit to be paid should not exceed 50% of the net profit for the previous year.
The commission will also take into account "the results of retrospective analysis of the payment of profit (dividends) for previous periods" and the willingness of foreign shareholders to continue commercial activities in Russia.
The positions of federal executive authorities and the Central Bank concerning the significance of the organization's activities and their impact on the technological and production sovereignty of Russia, its social and economic development, will also be taken into consideration.
Federal executive authorities should also establish "quarterly key performance indicators for organizations" and there should be "a possibility of quarterly payment of dividends if the organization fulfills the established key performance indicators."
Russian President Vladimir Putin previously imposed an overall ban restricting ability of investors from unfriendly countries to exit from Russian investments in certain industries without specific presidential permission.