By Any Means Necessary

Why We Need a Movement Against the Far-Right in the New Year

Understanding Ukraine As A Security Dilemma, Bolivian Coup Leader Arrested, California Athletes Come Out About Sexual Abuse
In this episode of By Any Means Necessary, hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman are joined by Nicolas Davies, researcher for CODEPINK and co-author of War in Ukraine: Making Sense of A Senseless Conflict to discuss the conflict in Ukraine and why it presents a classic security dilemma, and the history of the conflict in Ukraine and what may Americans likely do not know about it.
In the second segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Camila Escalante, reporter and founding editor of Kawsachun News to discuss the arrest of Luis Fernando Camacho in Bolivia on charges of terrorism stemming from his role in the coup in Bolivia in 2019, the ongoing prosecutions of other officials involved in the 2019 coup and the ensuing massacres of indigenous people and supporters of the Movimiento Al Socialismo, the lingering effects of the coup seen in the impunity that other officials have been treated with, and the role that social movements will have in demanding justice for victims of the coup.
In the third segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Miguel Garcia of the ANTICONQUISTA Collective, also the host and creator of the Sports as a Weapon podcast to discuss sexual abuse of high school football players committed by an athletic trainer in a southern California high school, how this highlights the phenomenon of the sexual abuse of boys by women not being taken seriously, how masculinity in the world of sports plays a large part in the minimization of the abuse of boys.
Later in the show, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Kristine Hendrix, President to the University City School Board, Junior Bayard Rustin Fellow with the Fellowship for Reconciliation and contributor to the Truth-Telling Project and "We Stay Woke" podcast to discuss the $1.7 trillion spending bill signed by Joe Biden and why it funds war and destruction over the necessities of life, recent attacks on power stations all over the country and the potential links they have to the far-right in the US, the release of Donald Trump’s tax returns which revealed the legal maneuvers that the rich use to avoid paying taxes, and the arrest of right-wing influencer Andrew Tate on charges of human trafficking and rape.
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