
Biden’s Approval Drops as Classified Document Crisis Envelops White House

US President Joe Biden is nearing his lowest approval rating in months, new surveys indicate.
Just 40% of Americans approve of US President Joe Biden's performance as commander-in-chief, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos national poll which closed on Sunday.
A separate poll by The Hill earlier revealed that “close to two-thirds of Americans — 61 percent — say the country is on the wrong track, while 66 percent of respondents say the country’s economy is also on the wrong track.”
With 61% of Americans currently saying that the country is on the wrong track economically, a full 66% of respondents now say the country’s economy is headed in the wrong direction as well.
Biden’s approval numbers jumped briefly in recent months, but they’ve diminished greatly as concerns grew in the face of Biden’s alarming handling of the classified documents that were discovered in his personal residence.
However, it’s likely his political woes won’t end there. The newest survey was just the latest to reveal Biden’s approval ratings to be fully underwater amid ongoing questions about the US president’s treatment of classified documents, of which several batches were discovered in his private residence in Delaware and at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, DC.
A new Quinnipiac poll found the vast majority of Republicans and independents believe Biden handled the documents inappropriately.
‘All Deny & Deflect’: Biden's 'No Regrets' Response to Classified Docs Row Ripped as ‘Really Dumb'
Despite Democratic claims of presidential parity, the fact that FBI officers searched a sitting president’s private residence is an issue that remains politically fraught.
Per CNN, “the reality of FBI officers searching the private residence of a sitting president remains an extraordinary one, however the White House seeks to downplay it.”
Recent discoveries “provoked new questions over why Biden still had classified information from his time as a vice president,” they wrote. Chief among them: “how material, typically treated with extreme care by federal employees, ended up at his private residence; and whether it was secure from prying eyes in the years it was there.”
The polling figures come as an additional six classified documents were found at the president's Delaware home this past weekend by the ongoing special counsel probe ordered by Attorney General Merrick Garland.