
Lavrov Says US, EU Countries Seeking to Restore Africa's Colonial Dependence

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov (left) and Eritrean Foreign Minister Osman Saleh during a joint news conference following their meeting in Massawa, Eritrea, on January 26, 2023.
MASSAWA, Eritrea (Sputnik) - The United States and European countries, requiring African states to stop cooperation with Russia, are seeking to restore the continent's colonial dependence, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday.
"In Africa, we know, American, British, and other European delegations regularly appear, which, with a persistence worthy of better application, require African countries not to cooperate with the Russian Federation, not to go against a general discipline, by which they, the West, understand the restoration of colonial dependence, by and large, but already in a new form," Lavrov told journalists after the visit to Eritrea.
The minister noted that the African continent has enormous potential for economic development.
"The richest continent, including in terms of natural resources, which have been subject to exploitation for centuries. And the West seeks to maintain its exploitative policy toward Africa even today," he said.
The minister added that hybrid wars that are being waged by Western countries will not be able to stop the development of new centers of economic and political power.
"The formation of a multipolar world is an objective and unstoppable process," Lavrov said, adding that "no hybrid wars that the West unleashes, including the one they have unleashed in Ukraine, can stop the development of new centers of economic power, financial and political influence."
The minister noted that countries like China and India have already surpassed the US in many aspects.
"Turkey, Egypt, countries of the Gulf, Brazil, and other Latin American states are developing as influential and independent centers. All these are the future centers of multipolarity," Lavrov said.
This week, Lavrov visited South Africa, Eswatini, and Angola as a part of his tour across Sub-Saharan Africa, with Eritrea having been the final destination of the minister's tour.