
REC Holds First Selection of Companies to Exhibit Goods Abroad

The Russian Export Center (REC, part of the VEB.RF) has held the first selection of companies to promote their goods in foreign pavilions this year, a statement from the organization has said.

"On 27 January, the Russian Export Center held its first meeting of the 2023 Expert Commission for selecting companies to participate in the program to promote agribusiness products abroad. The Commission considered 14 applications from 11 companies: three each to Turkey and Vietnam, and two each to the UAE, Egypt, China and Saudi Arabia," the center announced.

The report specified that the exporters would promote processed cheese, confectionery, premade products, dumplings, canned vegetables, various drinks, as well as cereals, pulses, oil seeds and essential oil crops.

"In 2022, exporters placed more than 1,200 products in pavilions in China, Vietnam, Egypt and the UAE, and total sales increased nearly 10-fold. This year we have new ambitious goals. Participants in the program will be able to take advantage of a wide range of promotional tools, including through large retail chains and new media," REC vice-president Alexei Solodov noted.

He reiterated that since 2022, the REC has been able to finance not only the promotion of products directly through pavilions, but also their placement in trading and retail networks and on electronic trading platforms. These measures were developed at the request of exporters and will allow them to strengthen their position in the countries where there are pavilions.