By Any Means Necessary

Connections Between Cuba, Leonard Peltier, and Racist Police Terror

IMF Debt Trap In Ukraine, How Sanctions Amplify Devastation In Syria, Media Focuses on China Balloon Over Surveillance In The US
In this episode of By Any Means Necessary, hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman are joined by Amanda Yee, host of the Radio Free Amanda podcast to discuss the history of IMF intervention in Ukraine and how the current conflict in Ukraine has opened up opportunities for more economic shock therapy in the country, how the 2014 Maidan coup opened the door for neoliberalization of Ukraine’s economy, and the auctioning off of Ukrainian assets to corporations by the Ukrainian government.
In the second segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Dan Kovalik, an adjunct professor of International Human Rights at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, author of “No More War: How the West Violates International Law by Using 'Humanitarian' Intervention to Advance Economic and Strategic Interests” to discuss the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria and how the ongoing civil war and sanctions on Syria have contributed to the substantial damage and how US sanctions threaten a humanitarian crisis in northern Syria as aid threatens to blocked.
In the third segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by technologist Chris Garaffa, co-host of the CovertAction Bulletin podcast to discuss the ridiculous media circus over the alleged Chinese spy balloon and the reality of US spying on other countries and on its own citizens, a lawsuit filed by the ACLU against intelligence agencies accusing them of withholding information about warrantless surveillance of international communications, the history of warrantless surveillance in the US by intelligence agencies, and a lawsuit challenging Meta’s outsourcing of content moderation to workers in poor countries without offering them fair pay or support that workers in other places receive.
Later in the show, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Gloria La Riva, coordinator of the Cuba and Venezuela Solidarity Committee and co-founder of the Hatuey Project to discuss Joe Biden’s upcoming State of the Union address and the lack of progress for working and poor people under the Biden administration, the anniversary of the incarceration of Leonard Peltier and why he has still not been released, the recent anniversary of the imposition of the US blockade on Cuba and how it impacts people who live there, and how issues of racist police terror are connected to issues of imperialism.
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