
Lavrov Delivers Speech on Diplomatic Worker Day

Diplomatic Worker Day was established in 2002 by presidential decree, in reference to February 10, 1549, the date when the Posolsky Prikaz, Russia's first foreign affairs institution, was mentioned in official chronicles for the first time ever.
Sputnik is live from Moscow, where Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is speaking at an event dedicated to Diplomatic Worker Day.
It is expected that the top diplomat will cover all major topics dedicated to Russia's current foreign policy.
Russia, due to its unique geographic and political position, has always had a proactive foreign policy. That`s why it should come as no surprise that Russian history has a number of notable diplomats, including the envoy to Golden Horde Zakharia Tyutchev (14th century), the ancestor of the famous Russian poet Fyodor Tyutchev, as well as foreign minister Alexander Gorchakov (19th century) and Alexandra Kollontai (20th century) – the first female foreign minister ever and a prominent diplomat.
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