Biden Slammed Online For Flying to Kiev, Not Ohio Chemical Disaster Zone

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited Washington DC just before Christmas to beg for more deadly gifts from his patron Joe Biden. He had only just returned from a whistle-stop tour of European capitals before Biden made his "unannounced" visit.
Netizens have ripped into US President Joe Biden after he made a visit to Kiev while neglecting the environmental disaster in Ohio.
Biden flew thousands of miles to the Ukrainian capital on Monday to help prop up US client-regime leader Volodymyr Zelensky with re-treaded pledges of military aid from his NATO patrons.
The trip was kept top secret in Washington DC, although the White House told Moscow hours in advance in order to avoid having the president killed in a missile strike.
But the sirens were sounded anyway — apparently for the sake of making the two leaders look tough on TV.
Twitter users were not impressed, however.
Many pointed out that Biden had so far failed to visit the town of East Palestine in Ohio, on the border with his home state Pennsylvania, where an environmental disaster was still unfolding following the framing wreck of a freight train hauling dangerous chemicals.
"Biden visited Kiev, Ukraine before he went to East Palestine, Ohio," posted left-wing YouTuber Jackson Hinkle. "What a clown show."
A tweeted meme ridiculing US President Joe Biden
Others poked fun at Zelensky's subservience to Biden, as well as his constant begging for more and more expensive arms and even direct military intervention from the US and other NATO members.
A Twitter post making fun of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a surprise trip to Kiev by his US patron Joe Biden
A tweeted cartoon ridiculing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's relationship with US President Joe Biden
US Congresswoman Slams Biden for Visiting Ukraine 'Which is Leading US to World War'
And others believed Biden's aim was political sleight-of-hand and money laundering.
A Twitter meme criticising US President Joe Biden's surprise visit to Kiev