Fault Lines

From Balloongate to COVID-19: China and the US Enter War of Words

On this episode of Fault Lines, hosts Jamarl Thomas, Manila Chan and Melik Abdul discussed a wide range of domestic and international topics, including the amplified tensions between China and the US after the ‘balloongate’ accusations and claims that the COVID-19 virus was leaked from a Chinese lab.
Todd “Bubba” Horwitz - Chief Market Strategist of BubbaTrading.com
Ted Rall - Political Cartoonist & Syndicated Columnist
Nebojsa Malic - Serbian-American Journalist
Misty Winston - Political Activist
Benjamin Rubinstein - Community Manager for MintPress News
In the first hour, Todd “Bubba” Horwitz joined Fault Lines to discuss the worldwide energy crisis, especially in Europe, along with economic problems and inflation.
In the second hour, Fault Lines was joined by political cartoonist and syndicated columnist Ted Rall about Democratic Senator John Fetterman’s wife and family traveling itinerary to Canada while the Pennsylvania Senator is still in the hospital.
Later in the second hour, journalist Nebojsa Malic discussed the US Department of Energy’s claims that COVID-19 originated from a Chinese lab amid an ongoing media campaign by the Biden administration against Beijing.
In the third hour, Misty Winston spoke to Fault Lines about the latest news out of East Palestine as citizens are complaining of illness and abandonment after a train derailed, spilling toxic chemicals into the environment.
Later in the last hour, Benjamin Rubinstein joined Fault Lines to discuss the recent wave of violence in the occupied West Bank.
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