The Backstory

Never Confuse a Single Defeat with a Final Defeat

On today’s episode of The Backstory, host Lee Stranahan discussed current events including the Pentagon having trouble tracking the weapons sent to Ukraine, and China comments on the American COVID-19 "lab leak" theory
FilmLadd - Filmmaker | The Scott Adams Self Destruction, Censorship, and James O'Keefe Ousted from Project Veritas

In the first hour, Lee and Jason Goodman spoke about America's past with Ukrainian neo-Nazis, the Village Voice newspaper, and the book Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party. Lee and Jason discussed author Russ Bellant and how his book connects the Republican party to Ukraine. Lee and Jason talked about past Republican Presidents and George Bush's power in the Regan administration.

In the second hour, Lee and Jason Goodman spoke with FilmLadd about his video on censorship, Scott Adams getting cancelled, and the attitude of modern employees. FilmLadd commented on the complaints about James O'Keefe and how he compared the O'Keefe situation to a 1980s movie called The Stuntman. FilmLadd spoke on the Scott Adams controversy and what Scott Adams's main goal might have been.
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