
Washington Bill Sparks Criticism Over Provisions on 'Gender-Affirming Treatment' for Kids

The bill would allow shelters to not notify the parents of kids staying there about the children receiving medical interventions such as "gender-affirming care" if there is a "compelling reason not to."
A new bill that may effectively limit parents’ ability to intervene if their children were to seek “gender-affirming care” has passed the House of Representatives in the state of Washington and is on its way to be signed into law by Governor Jay Inslee, according to local media reports.
Under the auspices of the new legislation, Senate Bill 5599, host homes would be allowed to "house youth without parental permission" and would not be obliged to notify parents about the whereabouts of their children or if their children were receiving medical interventions, "if there is a compelling reason not to, which includes a youth seeking protected health services."
The “protected health care services” mentioned in the bill include “gender-affirming care,” with the bill stating that "gender affirming treatment can be prescribed to two-spirit, transgender, nonbinary, and other gender diverse individuals."
“Gender-affirming care” in the case of minors may reportedly include “puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries,” with some of these measures being capable of negatively affecting the patient’s reproductive function.
It was not immediately clear exactly what services might be approved as a result of the bill in question, one media outlet points out.
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While opponents of the bill have already branded it “child abuse,” social media users also seemed nonplussed by the development.
“But minors need a permission slip signed by parents to go on a field trip to the zoo. Cool,” one mused.
“Is the state going to cover the medical costs?” another inquired.
“So, you can’t drink but you can mutilate yourself. Interesting,” yet another user remarked.
Rather than contacting the kids’ parents, the bill stipulates that shelters can instead get in touch with the Washington Department of Children, Youth, and Families. The bill also provides that shelters may refrain from notifying parents if there are "circumstances that indicate notifying the parent or legal guardian will subject the minor to abuse or neglect."