Last year, ODNI’s annual transparency report included for the first time statistics on the FBI’s use of US person queries of FISA Section 702-acquired information. After receiving feedback on the usability of the statistics, the FBI made improvements in its counting methodology.
“Under both the previous methodology and new methodology, there was a significant decline in total FBI US person queries in the period December 2021-November 2022,” ODNI said in its latest report.
The reduction comes following a number of changes made by the FBI to its systems, processes and training related to US person queries, the report said.
In addition, the number of requests the US intelligence community received to identify US persons whose identities were initially masked in disseminated intelligence reports declined in 2022, the report said.
The United States established the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) in 1978 after enacting FISA. FISC, which is composed of eleven federal district court judges, reviews applications submitted by the government for approval of surveillance and other investigative actions for foreign intelligence purposes.