Political Misfits

Imran Khan Arrest, Israel Bombs Gaza, Victory Day

Editor of the Pakistan Daily Hamza Azhar Salam joins Misfits hosts Michelle Witte and John Kiriakou to discuss the arrest of former Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan, what Khan represents to his supporters, what this means for civilian rule in Pakistan, and what Khan’s political future holds.
Author, former Washington Post bureau chief and foreign correspondent Jon Jeter discusses California’s new proposal for reparations to its Black residents, President Joe Biden giving Howard University's commencement speech, the New York Post being denied accreditation by the Biden White House as the administration gets away with prescreening press for numerous events, some subjective “editorial standards” at the New York Times, and former First Lady Michelle Obama’s new brand of kids’ drinks.
Longtime comedian, activist and leading voice in Julian Assange's defense Randy Credico discusses the pressure members of the Australian government are putting on the US government over the ongoing detention of WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, new actions in the US to advocate for Assange’s release and build public interest, and his recent trip to Russia.
West Coast Regional Coordinator of ANSWER Coalition Richard Becker discusses what upheaval in Pakistan to expect following the arrest of former Prime Minister Imran Khan, Israel’s latest airstrikes on Gaza, the ongoing judicial crisis in Israeli politics, souring relations between Canada and China, EU plans to sanction Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, and Russia’s muted Victory Day celebrations.
Author, journalist and founder of Horseracing Wrongs Patrick Batuello discusses the deaths of seven horses preceding the Kentucky Derby, the deadly nature of horse racing over all, the moral double standard between dog racing and horse racing, and little-known way taxpayers sustain racetracks.
The Misfits also discuss CIA head William Burns’ notable level of influence in the Biden administration, and the renaming of Fort Hood.
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