Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine

Republican Firebrand MTG Refuses to Back More Arms Supplies to Ukraine

Hawkish Republican South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham is leading attempts to increase the defense budget to fund even more military aid to Kiev. But he faces opposition from the new crop of radical conservatives within his own party.
Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has vowed to oppose more US arms supplies to Ukraine.
The Georgia representative told reporters outside the Capitol building on Tuesday that she would defy the Republican party whip and vote against any bills for ore spending on military aid to President Volodymyr Zelensky's regime.
She demanded that the US should facilitate peace talks between Kiev and Moscow, which Zelensky broke off in April 2022 under pressure from Washington and London, rather than stoking the military conflagration with arms shipments.

"I'm going to fight Ukraine funding," Greene said. "I'm purely disgusted with this town, that they are so bloodthirsty for murder and death in Ukraine."

She stressed that as long as the conflict continued, "Ukrainian civilians are being killed constantly. Russian soldiers are dying, Ukrainian soldiers are dying. And then other people that go there to fight this war are dying."

"I can't understand why Washington DC can't be focussed on world peace and bringing these two countries together to end that war, rather than beating their chests and beating their war drums, and demanding the American people pay for it," Taylor Greene fumed. "I think it’s ridiculous. I say shame on them."

Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
Republican Congress Leader Lambasts Push for More Spending on Ukraine