
UFO Expert Claims to Have Turned Over Trove of Evidence to US Government

Government Scientists Studying an Extraterrestrial Spacecraft
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) researcher Steven Greer provided US government authorities a trove of evidence last week purportedly detailing illegal government projects based on extraterrestrial technology, Greer said on Monday.
Greer, who founded the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence and heads the Disclosure Project, claims to have turned over the project’s intelligence archives to US government authorities responsible for investigating the matter, such as the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO).
"It has government documents in the tens of thousands," Greer said during a National Press Club event. "The Disclosure Project Intelligence Archive literally has everything they would need to know to get to the absolute end of this."
Copies of the archive have also been provided to the White House and Congress, Greer said.
UAP are a combination of extraterrestrial craft and human attempts to reproduce the vehicles, Greer said. The projects responsible for developing man-made versions are run illegally by entities that avoid oversight by even the highest levels of the US government, Greer said.
The technologies in the projects’ possession have the capability to immediately solve the world’s energy, environmental and poverty crises, Greer said. However, the illegal "black" projects use blackmail, bribery and intimidation – including death threats – to maintain secrecy, Greer said.
Moreover, the illegal projects have the ability to launch a convincing "false-flag" operation against the public which could be detrimental to national security, Greer said.
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Greer issued recommendations for the executive branch and Congress, including to bolster whistleblower protections, order a global diplomatic effort to expand relations with extraterrestrials, and pursue prosecution against entities that refuse to comply with efforts to disclose UAP technologies and information.
Greer’s transfer of the organization’s intelligence archive comes amid an increase in public engagement by the US government on the issue of UAP, including the formation of AARO and an independent NASA research team.
Earlier this month, former US National Reconnaissance Office official David Grusch made public his allegations that disclosures on the recovery of non-human objects were being illegally withheld from Congress.
AARO has not discovered any verifiable information to substantiate claims that any programs regarding possession or reverse-engineering of extraterrestrial materials have existed or currently exist, Defense Department spokesperson Sue Gough told Sputnik in response to questions about Grusch’s claims.
NASA has similarly expressed their belief in a lack of evidence linking UAP to extraterrestrial life.