
Migration Crisis to Cost New York City $12 Billion Over Three Fiscal Years - Mayor Adams

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - New York City Mayor Eric Adams said Wednesday that the migration crisis will cost the city $12 billion over three fiscal years against the background of the influx of migrants coming to NYC.
"If we don't get the support we need, New Yorkers will be left with a $12 BILLION bill over three fiscal years. This is a city of empathy, compassion and care. We'll always reach out a helping hand, and it's time for others to offer a hand, too," Adams said on his account on X, formerly known as Twitter.
The mayor added that "our state and federal partners have heard our cries and shown support, but we need more from them to handle this on the city, state and federal level," adding that the city requires support from more municipalities "statewide" and "billions and billion more in funding."
Adams noted the NYC authorities "spend an average of $383 per night on each household," adding that "with over 57,000 people in our care it adds up to $9.8 million per day and $300 million per month."
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"We estimate spending $4.7 BILLION this year if we don’t receive proper support. It will be BILLIONS more in years to come," he said.
The mayor said nearly 100,000 asylum seekers have arrived in NYC over the last year, and the city "has managed the problem" but the city is "running out of resources."