Caleb Maupin, journalist and political analyst, joins us to discuss this week's news stories. Former President Donald Trump has released his first tweet in three years, sending out a picture of his Georgia mugshot with the words "election interference" and "never surrender." Caleb Maupin says that the FBI is working to ensure that Donald Trump does not win the election. He also said that the GOP debate seemed staged and that Vivek Ramaswamy seemed to be the party's choice. Also, Ron Desantis seemed tired and uninvolved, and Caleb argues that the BRICS expansion is a result of the US debacle in Ukraine.
Dr. Jack Rasmus, professor of Economics and Politics at St. Mary's College in California, joins us to discuss this week's important economic stories. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell says he has much work to do to get inflation under control, implying that further interest rate hikes are in order. Dr. Jack says a lot will depend on the next CPI and price reports. A year ago, Price said that he was targeting services. However, services prices are stuck at around six percent, and the rate hikes are not affecting them. He says that Fed rate hikes will not affect price gouging in the service industry. Also, the supply of housing is overwhelming the demand. Also, the insurance industry uses natural disasters to increase price gouge consumers
Miko Peled, author and activist, joins us to discuss this week's news stories. The Israeli economic war on Palestinians has reached new heights under Finance Minister Smotrich. Money set for Palestinians is seeing massive reductions in funds. Miko Peled says there has always been a push to eliminate Palestinian citizens. The current government has taken the gloves off to a degree we have never seen before. Miko says that Israel has collaborators who are involved in criminal activities in the Palestinian communities and then cites high crime rates as an excuse to withhold the necessary funds for survival. Also, Israel takes tax money from the Palestinians and refuses to invest it back into the communities from which it came.
Ajamu Baraka, 2016 US vice presidential candidate for the Green Party and Erica Caines, founder of Liberation Through Reading and Editor of Hood Communist Blog, come together to discuss this week's news stories. The BRICS coalition has expanded into Africa and has increased its presence in the international energy market. Ajamu Baraka and Erica Caines say that the proxy war in Ukraine has placed the global South in a strategic position to free themselves from US economic hegemony. Also, the US will only grow more vicious as nations break free from US imperialism because the unity of the oppressed nations is the biggest threat to its global domination.
Jim Kavanagh, whose work can be found at Jim' Kavanagh's Substack,, and Counterpunch, and Steve Poikonen, national organizer for Action4Assange, come together to discuss this week's news stories. Former President Donald Trump has released his first tweet in three years, sending out a picture of his Georgia mugshot with the words `election interference" and "never surrender." Steve Poikonen and Jim Kavanagh argue that the charges against Trump will be hard to prove. Also, they say President Biden may be replaced partly because of his cognitive abilities and partly because the party has no policies to run on. The contrast between Joe Biden's appearance and Donald Trump's is obvious.
The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the position of Sputnik.
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