During the search at the former general's home, the police seized his passport as well as a smartphone and weapons, the G1 channel reported. After that, the general was brought to the Federal Police's headquarters and questioned, it added.
According to investigators, Lucio Fernandes was the perpetrator and, possibly, one of the organizers of the January 8 takeover attempt, G1 said. The court has already ordered the freezing of his assets, according to the report.
Investigators believe Lucio Fernandes was involved with a group that instigated protesters to occupy the National Congress Palace and gave them access inside it, Brazilian broadcaster Globo said.
Under former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, Lucio Fernandes was the head of the Logistics Department in the Brazilian Health Ministry and was dismissed on December 31, 2022, on the last day of that government. He is currently a professor at a university in Brasilia.
Lucio Fernandes reportedly used to be member of a special ops unit trained to go on secret and high-risk missions, including sabotage, reconnaissance and planning of escapes. Members of that unit held high offices in Bolsonaro's government, media reports said.