The Critical Hour

Weekly News Wrap Up; US Vetoes UN Ceasefire; Maine Mass Shooter Kills 18; Mike Johnson House Speaker

Police are searching for a man who killed 18 people in Maine, and Mike Johnson has become the Speaker of the US House of Representatives.
Dr. Tony Monteiro, scholar and activist, joins us to discuss this week's important news stories. Many progressives have opposed a congressional measure that would have stopped the violence in Gaza. Dr. Tony Monteiro says that this resolution argues that Israel should continue its attacks on Gaza. Also, the larger question is one of a broader war that could arise as a result of the Israel/Gaza conflict. He says that anything short of a ceasefire is a call for war.
Dan Lazare, investigative journalist and author of America's Undeclared War, joins us to discuss this week's important news stories. A European ban on protests and slogans in support of the Palestinians testing the levels of free speech. Dan Lazare says this is also happening in the United States, and there will be intense efforts to stop speech that the government does not like. Dan says that American leadership must hide its imperial nature.
Misty Winston, radio host and political commentator, joins us to discuss this week's important news stories. Congressman Mike Johnson has won the speakership in the US House of Representatives. Misty Winston says this is a face of unity as the internal conflict continues. Also, she says that this speaks to the American people being tired of sending money for foreign conflicts as numerous economic issues persist at home.
Jim Kavanagh, whose work can be found at Jim' Kavanagh's Substack,, and Steve Poikonen, host of AM WakeUp & SlowNewsDay live on Rokfin & Rumble, come together to discuss this week's important news stories. The US has declared war on the world's major powers and their allies. Our guests argue that the US is at war with anyone who challenges its hegemony. They say that the argument about democracy and authoritarianism is absurd, and these new rising powers will not be pushed around. The panel also discussed that US leaders are stuck with the idea that we are an omnipotent nation.
Ajamu Baraka, 2016 US vice presidential candidate for the Green Party, and Erica Caines, founder of Liberation Through Reading and Editor of Hood Communist Blog, come together to discuss this week's important news stories. The Senate has voted down a bill to withdraw troops from Niger. Our guests argue that the West continues to use the threats of an ECOWAS attack on Niger as it pretends to be neutral.
The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the position of Sputnik.
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