
Cheney Warns Trump May Seek to Stay in Power 'Forever' if Reelected

Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., center, speaks with President Donald Trump during a bill signing ceremony for the Women's Suffrage Centennial Commemorative Coin Act in the Oval Office of the White House, Monday, Nov. 25, 2019, in Washington.
Recent polls show former US President Donald Trump besting his White House successor in five out of six battleground states, making a second Trump presidency a legitimate possibility.
Former US Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) has claimed that if former US President Donald Trump would attempt to remain in power forever if he is ever granted the opportunity to serve out a second presidential term
Cheney's remarks came on Monday during a promotional interview for her new book, "Oath and Honor: A Memoir and a Warning." Trump presently holds a commanding lead in the primary.
“Absolutely,” the daughter of former US Vice President Dick Cheney told US media when asked if she believed Trump would try to permanently extend his stay in the Oval Office.
Referencing Trump's role in the January 6 riot at the US Capitol and his efforts to overturn the election results, Cheney underscored that the former commander-in-chief had "already done it once."

“He is the only president in American history who attempted to overturn an election, who attempted to seize power and to stay in power after he had lost,” Cheney said, adding that Trump’s efforts were thwarted by state officials who refused to cave to pressure by Trump. “We won’t have that guardrail again."

Cheney had a mostly uneventful time in Congress, voting with the Republican bloc and Trump for the majority of her time in office. However, after January 6, she became the most outspoken critic of Trump in the Republican party. The former lawmaker served as the vice chair of the committee investigating the January 6 events, a position given to her by House Democrats. She was also one of 10 Republicans to vote for Trump’s second impeachment.
Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY)
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The political shift turned the party against her, having been stripped of her leadership positions in addition to being voted off the ballot in a primary challenge. Cheney has maintained that she has no regrets about her opposition to Trump:
“I will not sit back and watch in silence while others lead our party down a path that abandons the rule of law and joins the former president's crusade to undermine our democracy,” she said on the House floor after being stripped of her leadership positions.
Cheney also called Rep. Mike Johnson's (R-LA) election as House speaker “dangerous for the country,” adding while she was in Congress, Johnson was suggesting things that “he knew had no basis in fact, no basis in law, no basis in the constitution,” by advocating that House Republicans help Trump overturn the 2020 election results.
Johnson was one of 139 Republicans who voted to sustain one or more objections to the 2020 election results. He also expressed support for a lawsuit by the state of Texas aimed at challenging the 2020 election results in Georgia.
However, Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) who voted against Reps. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Steve Scalise (R-LA) because of their electoral denialism said Johnson did not go as far as others.
“What [Johnson] did was he went to the courts. That's what the courts are set up for. And it's absolutely appropriate,” Buck said after Johnson’s election in October. “It's fundamentally different than somebody who is actively involved in moving the protesters from the Mall up here, actively involved in arguing with the White House counsel's office about how we could decertify the election, two completely different things.”
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“I think what we have seen is that you cannot count on this group of elected Republicans to uphold their oath to the constitution,” Cheney said during the Monday interview while calling on voters across the political spectrum to “stand for the Constitution.” Cheney said it would be safer for America if Democrats took control of the House.

Last year, Biden signed into law the Electoral Count Reform Act as part of a year-end omnibus spending bill, which put in place more guardrails to ensure election integrity, including electors being required to follow their state’s public vote count and clarifying that the US vice president’s role is primarily ceremonial.
When asked if she planned to vote for Biden in 2024, Cheney did not specifically say she would, only stressing she would do “whatever it takes” to stop Trump. The lawmaker-turned-author also insisted that neither Trump nor Biden has wrapped up their nominations and hoped for options and alternatives that “reflect the important challenges we are facing and reflect leadership to meet those challenges, but that choice can never be Donald Trump … it may mean the last election you ever get to vote in.”
Cheney also did not rule out running on a “unity” ticket with a Democrat, saying she would make that decision over “the next couple months.”