The Critical Hour

Weekly News Wrap-Up: Tucker Carlson Interview; Trump/Biden Charges

Mainstream media sources are attacking Tucker Carlson for his groundbreaking interview with Vladimir Putin as President Biden's mental acuity returns to the forefront of political discussion.
Dr. Linwood Tauheed, Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, joins us to discuss the Putin Carlson interview. Also, Americans are feeling pessimistic about the state of the economy.
John Burris, civil rights attorney, joins us to discuss the SCOTUS ruling on President Trump and the case against President Biden.
Jon Jeter, journalist and author, joins us to discuss the Tucker Carlson interview and US foreign policy regarding the shipment of weapons to Israel and Ukraine.
Jim Kavanagh, political and cultural analyst and writer for Jim Kavanagh's substack and, and Steve Poikonen, host of AM WakeUp & SlowNewsDay live on Rokfin & Rumble, come together to discuss the Tucker Carlson interview, President Biden's mental failings, and Donald Trump's demands to get charges dropped against him due to the outcome of the Biden investigation.
Ajamu Baraka, 2016 US vice presidential candidate for the Green Party, and Erica Caines, founder of Liberation Through Reading and Editor of Hood Communist Blog, come together to discuss US imperialism's attack on Nicaragua and Venezuela.
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