
China Urges US to Respect Sovereignty of Neighboring Nations Amid Tensions

BEIJING (Sputnik) - Beijing has urged the United States to avoid interfering in maritime disputes between China and its neighboring countries and creating regional blocks aimed at deterring China at sea, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday.
On May 24, China and the United States held the second round of bilateral consultations on maritime issues via a videoconference. The consultations were attended by Director-General of the Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs of the Chinese Foreign Ministry Hong Liang and US State Department China Coordinator Mark Lambert.

"[The United States] should not interfere in maritime disputes between China and neighboring countries, should not create small circles with the aim of ‘using the sea to control China,’ should not undermine regional peace and stability," the statement read.

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China has also expressed serious concern about US "provocations" in the waters surrounding China, and called on Washington to respect China's territorial sovereignty, maritime rights and interests, the statement read.
Moreover, Beijing called on Washington to stop pandering to those advocating alleged "Taiwan independence," and pointed to the One China principle that is the political basis of China-US relations, the statement added.
China has been engaged in decades-long disputes with several Asia-Pacific countries, including the Philippines, over the territorial affiliation of a number of islands and reefs in the South China Sea. Significant oil and gas reserves have been discovered on the continental shelf of those islands, including the Paracel Islands, Thitu Island, Scarborough Shoal and the Spratly Islands, with the Whitson Reef being part.