
Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Speaks at SPIEF Session on 'Polycentricity'

The final day of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) hosts a session focusing on the emerging new multipolar world order, and the principles of a polycentric system of international relations.
Sputnik comes to you live from the Expoforum exhibition and business center at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) for the session "Polycentricity: The Norm of a Future World Without Colonies and Hegemons."
The participants of the session are: Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, Sergey Glazyev, minister in charge of integration and macroeconomics, Eurasian Economic Commission, and Alexey Maslov, director of the Institute of Asian and African Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Russia’s foreign policy concept includes among its priority areas the formation of a just and sustainable world order. This goal presupposes countering US dominance and creating conditions for states to abandon neo-colonial and hegemonic ambitions. In this context, the session’s participants discuss Russia’s role in accelerating the transition to a more equitable new multipolar world order.
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