The Backstory

Netanyahu Dissolves War Cabinet as Rift With Gantz Grows

On this edition of The Backstory, host Rachel Blevins discussed several topics from around the globe, including the latest from Israel, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has dissolved his war cabinet.
In the first segment of The Backstory, Rachel spoke to award-winning cartoonist and the co-host of The Final Countdown, Ted Rall, about the Surgeon General's push to put warnings on social media platforms.
Following a discussion on social media, Rachel turned her attention to the so-called "Ukraine peace summit". She was joined by international relations and security analyst Mark Sleboda, who detailed the absurdity of having a peace conference without Russia.
Rachel kicked off the last hour of the show by hosting Africa Stream journalist Clinton Nzala, who broke down the latest from the South Africa parliament, as the ANC attempts to form a coalition government with their long-time rival.
In the last segment of the show, Rachel spoke to international law professor Francis Anthony Boyle about Israeli Benjamin Netanyahu's decision to dissolve his war cabinet amid escalating tensions along the Lebanese-Israeli border.
The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the position of Sputnik.
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