
NATO Unable, Unprepared to Defend European Countries - Ex-Pentagon Analyst

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – NATO is unable and unprepared to defend European countries because most of its defensive capability has already been destroyed in Ukraine, veteran Defense Department analyst and retired US Air Force Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski told Sputnik.
"NATO is unable and unprepared to defend European countries – in fact most of that defensive capability has been sent to Ukraine and destroyed already," Kwiatkowski said in an interview.
European NATO members have had no reason to develop their own defense capabilities, diplomacy or trade due to the dominant role of the United States in the military bloc, including its key position in nuclear defense, Kwiatkowski noted.
Instead, Kwiatkowski argues that the summit was designed to benefit arms dealers in the West.
"It is a bureaucratic document more suited to solicitations for a US arms manufacturers pyramid scheme than a functional guide to the future of NATO," Kwiatkowski said in an interview.
At the same time, the document serves as a warning to the rest of the world that the military alliance sees no limit to its territorial ambitions and with the current level of funding will pose a threat to peace and security, and trade in the Black Sea and the Pacific regions, Kwiatkowski added.
According to Kwiatkowski, the major part of the declaration contradicts any defensive intent of the military bloc as NATO now seeks specific war and prewar efforts against Russia and China across multiple regions.
On Wednesday, NATO members released a joint Washington Summit Declaration, which outlines the alliance's efforts to further isolate Russia, bolster the alliance's security on its eastern flank, increase security assistance for Ukraine, and claim Ukraine is on an "irreversible path" into NATO, among other initiatives.
NATO in State of Hysteria as Alliance Faces Russia, China, Trump Reelection - Experts
EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said on Thursday that NATO’s new development plan includes readiness to mobilize around 300,000 troops in the European Union, while the EU currently has 150,000 operational military personnel.